Statistical Reasoning: Belief, Bias, Criticism and Evidence
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
David Nott - National University of Singapore
Berge Englert - Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore
Michael Evans - University of Toronto
Berge Englert - Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore
Michael Evans - University of Toronto

The talks in this session are concerned with the steps involved in conducting a statistical analysis and with the characterization and measurement of statistical evidence as the central motivating concept. While the approach is of necessity Bayesian in nature, to ensure a proper characterization of statistical evidence through change in belief, significant links are established with frequentism through the a priori control of biases and accuracy. Applications to problems in quantum physics are presented.
Session Chair: Michael Evans
Session Link