Ice Garcia
Ice Garcia
Mount Royal University
Ice is an undergraduate Policy Studies student at Mount Royal University, where she is on track to complete a minor in economics and submit an honours' thesis in Winter 2025. Besides being a student, Ice also works as a flight attendant and as a union representative; these are some experiences that contribute to her interest in social policy research--with roots in sociology and the social context, motivated by economic theory, and pursued through political and institutional channels. In collaboration with two other Policy Studies students, Ice's most recent research is on the cultural and generational "chasm of perception" between older and younger generations. This work examined the seclusion of young changemakers--who cannot effect change, especially through government and policy--into silos of "apathy" and "radicalism". Thanks to Map the System, Ice is eager to incorporate newfound lessons in systems-based thinking in addressing topics of interest, including: society's "wicked problems", efficiency and equity in the public sector, market structures and society, and, reform via social movements.