Matthew Conisbee
Matthew Conisbee
Map The System Design Lead
Oxford University Said Business School
Matthew is a freelance consultant in higher education, passionate about inspiring and developing leaders of the present and future to make positive change in the world.

He has extensive experience in senior leadership positions in both customised and degree programmes globally, both for top business schools and universities, as well as in collaboration with consultancies. He recently led Oxford Said Business School’s MBA for three years including through the pandemic. Prior to that, he led the team which globalised the design and delivery of Oxford’s custom programme offering in the area of major projects leadership, working with senior civil servants around the world to support them in the delivery of this key function.

He is currently working with the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and leads the team which is redesigning Map The System, a system thinking intervention and competition, in collaboration with higher education institutions around the world.

Matthew has a BA in Modern Languages and an MSc in Sustainability. He also has prior experience in other industries including in sustimability consultancy (for Deloitte) and travel industry start-ups.