Hagir Sail
Hagir Sail
Principal Consultant
Calgary African Community Collective
Hagir Sail is a highly respected professional with over a decade of experience in anti-racism and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in Calgary. Her multicultural background, stemming from her time in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Canada, provides her with a unique global perspective on racial inequality. Holding a degree in Political Science from the University of Calgary, she has excelled in roles focused on community development and social justice, effectively leveraging her governance expertise. Hagir's commitment to creating inclusive and equitable communities extends to her volunteer work, making her a tireless advocate for marginalized individuals and communities. She currently serves as a Principal Consultant with the Calgary African Communities Collective, where she plays a crucial role in advancing anti-racism, DEI, and systemic change within African communities. Hagir's unwavering dedication and passion make her an influential figure, inspiring positive change and collaboration toward a more equitable future in Calgary.